Gavin Choong is the 2024 Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations. In his role,
he is responsible for representing the views of young Australians both domestically and
abroad. To do so, he goes on a Listening Tour: a nationwide consultation of young people
aged between 12 and 25. By engaging with children and youth around the country, Gavin
listens to their perspectives, experiences, and opinions on issues that matter most to them.
Importantly, these consultations go beyond listening and help to connect young people so
they can hear similar and differing views within their generation and communities. Upon
completion of the Listening Tour, Gavin will consolidate his findings into a report, which is
then shared with the government, leaders from business and civil society, as well as the
United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Gavin’s consultation with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) and the
Tasmanian University Environment Society will take part during the Tasmania leg of the
Listening Tour. He has organised activities that will encourage attendees to – through the
lens of the Sustainable Development Goals – think about what they like most about life in
Australia, and what they would like to see changed. Gavin will also explore his role within the
broader United Nations system and discuss current youth work being done on the
international stage.

April 20, 2024 at 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Sandy Bay Bakery and Cafe
164-168 Sandy Bay Rd
Sandy Bay, TAS 7005
Google map and directions
Add to Calendar 04/20/2024 15:00:00 04/20/2024 16:30:00 Australia/Melbourne Consultation with Australia's Youth Representative to the UN Check for the latest info. 164-168 Sandy Bay Rd, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005, Australia Kai Harrison [email protected]
Kai Harrison ·
Kai Harrison

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Kai Harrison

Consultation with Australia's Youth Representative to the UN

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