AYCC Sydney 2025 Welcome Meeting
AYCC Sydney is hosting our first welcome meeting for 2025! Whether you're new to the climate justice movement, or keen to get involved again, everyone is welcome and everyone is needed!
We will be discussing our plans for the months in the lead-up to the federal election to make sure our politicans listen to the demands of young people and to put climate justice at the forefront of this election!
See you at 6pm on Monday Feb 3rd at the AYCC Sydney Office (59 Great Buckingham Street, Redfern)
Snacks will be provided!
AYCC Adelaide In-person Planning and Potluck Event
Welcome everyone to AYCC SA's first event for 2025! Come along on January the 18th (saturday) to reconnect and meet new faces as we plan for the upcoming important climate campaigns and events happening this year! Feel free to bring along a plate of food to share for the potluck and be ready to get inspired as a community for climate action!
The event will be held in on Kaurna Country, Minor Works Building (the Loft), and for accessibility there is elevator access, for more information please click the following link: https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/venues/the-minor-works-building-community-centre
Masks are encouraged but not mandatory and will be available at the event.
We hope to see you there!
Please RSVP here!
22 Stamford Ct Adelaide SA 5000
Adelaide, SA 5000
Google map and directions
WA Team Meeting - 11 Feb
Join us on Zoom for our fortnightly WA team meeting from 7-8pm! Please email us or DM us on Instagram @aycc_wa if you have any questions. Bring ur dinner, your latest crochet project, colouring in book whilst we chat about upcoming plans and actions!
To receive the Zoom link - RSVP to the event
If you can't make it to an event but want to get involved, reach out!
Accessibility: this meeting will be held on Zoom. Automatic captions will be available, and we will provide descriptions for any images. If you have any questions regarding accessibility, please email us [email protected]. If you haven't already, please also fill out our accessibility survey to help us improve the ongoing accessibility of our events.
WA Team Meeting - 28 Jan
Join us on Zoom for our fortnightly WA team meeting from 7-8pm! Please email us or DM us on Instagram @aycc_wa if you have any questions. Bring ur dinner, your latest crochet project, colouring in book whilst we chat about upcoming plans and actions!
To receive the Zoom link - RSVP to the event
If you can't make it to an event but want to get involved, reach out!
Accessibility: this meeting will be held on Zoom. Automatic captions will be available, and we will provide descriptions for any images. If you have any questions regarding accessibility, please email us [email protected]. If you haven't already, please also fill out our accessibility survey to help us improve the ongoing accessibility of our events.