We centre the leadership, demands and sovereignty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the fight for climate justice. There is no climate justice without justice for First Nations people. We act in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities towards decolonisation, self-determination and land rights.
We’re ambitious, strategic and do what it takes to win big. Our starting point is always what needs to be done, not what we’ve been told is possible. We thrive in change, which means we’re creative and move fast when opportunities arise. This work isn’t easy, but we rise to the challenge with courage, resilience and resourcefulness.
We’re driven by a vision for justice, in the solutions we seek and the ways we work together. We seek solutions to the climate crisis that tackle the root causes of the problem, dismantle systems of oppression and create a fairer world for everyone. We build the power of communities most unfairly impacted by the climate crisis and take leadership from those on the frontlines.
We look outwards and form relationships of solidarity to build the biggest, broadest movement possible. We have the people power that's needed to win, but only if we're united across our differences. We empower young people working all across the continent -- from coal communities to regional towns and working-class neighbourhoods -- and build bridges with people our enemies would pit against us.
We are a community that supports each other in collective action. Connection, trust and supportive relationships power our movement. We collaborate, show care and build each other up, because we’re stronger together. We’re in this for the long haul, so we celebrate wins along the way and bring joy and hope while changing the world.
We believe deeply in our collective power as young people to create big change. We take on the toxic influence of the fossil fuel lobby with people power and by changing the story of the action our governments must take. We support each other to grow our leadership through training, mentoring and action. And we’re constantly growing our movement by talking to our communities.
We join together from all walks of life in a radically inclusive and accessible movement. Even when our opponents seek to divide us, we know we’re stronger together. We create spaces where every young person can thrive – regardless of who they are, their abilities, or the colour of their skin. We celebrate diverse identities and break down barriers wherever we find them. Racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and any other form of discrimination have no place in our movement.
We’re political, but non-partisan. We don’t align with any particular political parties and we evaluate all candidates and parties’ policies impartially, in line with the best climate science and our vision for climate justice. We are a movement funded and powered by our communities, not big business or government.
We're a non-violent movement, with no exceptions. Being non-violent allows us to win the hearts and minds of the public and welcomes the most people to participate.
We're always learning. We make honest mistakes and have honest conversations about how to be better, and we sit with our discomfort when we're challenged. We welcome imperfection, and contribute to solving problems by offering solutions.