We are a grassroots network that is grassroots funded. We are powerful because of the support of thousands of Australians - young and old - who believe in a vision for a better, fairer world powered by 100% renewable energy. Your contribution will support young people to be leaders in the climate movement, to run strategic campaigns to keep fossil fuels in the ground, and empower young people to realise they can make a difference.
Direct Debit
If you prefer not to donate online, you can make one-off donations by direct debit into our bank account. Please label the donation with the prefix CC followed by your name (e.g., CCJohnSmith).
Account Name: AYCC Gift Fund
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 154 822 951
Refund Requests
In certain special circumstances, we are able to refund donations up to 30 days after the date of donation. To do this, submit your receipt and explanation to [email protected]. Please note that we are unable to refund donations after that period.