Western Sydney Community Forum on the Referendum

This event in Blacktown will bring together community members from across Western Sydney to learn more about the upcoming Referendum and how to take action for First Nations justice in your community.

Right now we are likely just 7 weeks away from the referendum and there’s a lot of work to be done. Now is the time for all of us to lock-in our plans and activate our networks, because this moment is far bigger than just the referendum.

By winning a resounding YES we can set the stage for transformational change on First Nations Justice in the next decade. Yes, to treaties. Yes, to truth telling. Yes, to land rights. Yes.

There are different organisations and movements coordinating to deliver this win, which is why we’re hosting a Western Sydney Community Forum at Blacktown Library (Max Webber) to share the upcoming plans and how and you can get involved:

WHEN: 6:00-8:30pm AEST Thursday 7th September

WHAT: This event in Blacktown will bring together community members from across Western Sydney to learn more about the upcoming Referendum and how to take action for First Nations justice in your community.

WHERE: Sign up on this page! The event will be at Blacktown Library (Max Webber)

WHO: Anyone interested in supporting First Nations Justice - invite a friend/colleague or three to join you. You don't have to be young to attend this one!

HOST: The event will be held in partnership with AYCC and our friends from a range of multicultural, community and climate justice organisations, including the Write Yes alliance.

Hope to see you there!

September 07, 2023 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Blacktown Library (Max Webber)
Add to Calendar 09/07/2023 18:00:00 09/07/2023 20:30:00 Australia/Melbourne Western Sydney Community Forum Check https://www.aycc.org.au/wsyd_referendum_forum for the latest info. Grace [email protected]
Grace · · 0416942034
Aquilina Pinto Denise Bell Don Calya Don caly Christian Rainer Joannie Lee

Who's RSVPing

Aquilina Pinto
Denise Bell
Don Calya Don caly
Christian Rainer
Joannie Lee

Western Sydney Community Forum

Will you come?