If you are a voulneteer with us in Mount Gambier AYCC, We would love you to come along for a fun voulnteer night!!

There will be food, maybe a movie or two and some bored games/quiz, I hope to see you all there! If you have any questiosn feel free to contact Jazmin on, [email protected]

August 31, 2023 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Mount Gambier Library
6 Watson Ter
Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Google map and directions
Add to Calendar 08/31/2023 16:00:00 08/31/2023 17:30:00 Australia/Melbourne Volunteer fun night! Check https://www.aycc.org.au/volunteer_fun_night for the latest info. 6 Watson Ter, Mount Gambier, SA 5290, Australia Jazmin Bingham [email protected]
Jazmin Bingham

Volunteer fun night!

Will you come?