Dirty gas fracking is a risky and largely untested practice that would set off a carbon bomb that our climate and communities can’t afford. It risks destroying Aboriginal land, precious water resources, and our climate.
Resistance led by Traditional Owners and Aboriginal communities forced Origin Energy to suspend operations due to the risk of spreading COVID-19 into remote communities. But Origin Energy is still trying to push ahead with their dangerous plans this year.
Origin's retail arm is a massive part of their business, so they really care what their customers think. If we can get customers and potential customers demanding they walk away from dirty gas fracking, we can ensure Origin puts our futures first.
There's a bunch of ways to have an impact right now, here are a few actions we recommend:
1. Click here to see how to call Origin- especially if you're a customer!
2. Comment on Origin's social media posts and tell them why you think they shouldn't go ahead with their fracking plans
3. Talk to an Origin staff member on their website's chat-bot: here's how!
4. Talk to your friends and family about Origin's plans to frack- click here for some tips!
5. You could even host an event, here are some pointers!
If you want to learn more, we recommend watching Seed's documentary, "Water is Life"