Want to learn more about AYCC and start taking action in Brisbane/Meanjin? Come along to our welcome night, where you will get to meet other passionate young people, learn more about the fight for climate justice, and how to get involved in our campaigns!

Please RSVP so we know you can make it and can provide enough snacks!

Open to all young people, whether you're brand new to the climate movement or have been volunteering for a while. Have a friend who might be interested? Bring them along too!

June 19, 2024 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Spring Hill Shed
10 Love St
Spring Hill, QLD 4000
Google map and directions
Add to Calendar 06/19/2024 18:00:00 06/19/2024 19:00:00 Australia/Melbourne AYCC Brisbane/Meanjin Welcome Night Check https://www.aycc.org.au/aycc_brisbane_meanjin_welcome_night for the latest info. 10 Love St, Spring Hill, QLD 4000, Australia Krysta McMah [email protected]
Krysta McMah ·
Finn Easson Rhea Lincoln Ro Chadwick Erika Cruz Deni Estivill

Who's RSVPing

Finn Easson
Rhea Lincoln
Ro Chadwick
Erika Cruz
Deni Estivill

AYCC Brisbane/Meanjin Welcome Night

Will you come?