One week out from Labor's first Federal Budget, on Tuesday October 18 right across the country we will be taking our demands directly to local MPs and Senators through actions at their offices.
These office drop ins across the country will be a friendly, cheeky and powerful reminder that we are demanding the Labor Party take real action on climate change by ensuring there’s no public money for gas in the October budget.
Are you organising an action and keen for a bit of help and support? Join us on October 11 for our National Day of Action Working Bee! This will be a space to connect back with our theory of change and strategy, go through our key messages and trouble shoot anything you're feeling stuck with or need some extra help with.
Even if you haven't yet started planning your action, there's still time to plan a small scale action that will have an impact - the more of us taking action together the wider our message will be heard.
What: National Day of Action working bee
Who: anyone at AYCC who is organising an action for our October 18 National Day of Action
Where: on zoom (RSVP for zoom link)
When: Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30pm aedt
See you then,