

Come along to this welcome and information night to see what AYCC is all about. 


We will be having a chat about who we are, the new campaign we are working on, and the plans we have to grow the youth climate movement in Western Australia. This is a great entry-point to getting involved or a refresher for those who have been involved in the past! 


There will be free food! 


We look forward to seeing you there! 


Please get in touch if you have any accessibility requirements or questions by emailing us ([email protected]). 

March 18, 2024 at 5:30pm - 7pm
Greens WA Office
215 Stirling St
Perth, WA 6000
Google map and directions
Add to Calendar 03/18/2024 17:30:00 03/18/2024 19:00:00 Australia/Melbourne Perth Welcome Night Check https://www.aycc.org.au/wa_welcome_night for the latest info. 215 Stirling St, Perth, WA 6000, Australia Nat [email protected]
Nat ·
Cinnamon Thorley Bao Dinh

Who's RSVPing

Kristina Tikvic
Cinnamon Thorley
Isobel Staltari
nat edwards
Rosie Atkinson
Eliza Taylor
Maya Slarke
Clare Lagan
Jordan Rowand
Bronte Alston
Bao Dinh

Perth Welcome Night

Will you come?