Join us at 8am for a Snap-action rally in Speaker's Corner on the last sitting day of parliament to demand climate justice from the new Queensland Government.
During the election Labor committed to spending $500 million on renewables and a ten-year climate action plan.
We're demanding that they stand by their commitments to publicly owned renewables and centre justice in their Climate Action Plan. We need more investment in publicly-owned renewable energy projects and no public money for dirty fossil fuels. A climate action plan that centres justice cannot include dangerous gas projects!
Our government needs to help make our communities resilient for the long term, create meaningful jobs for Queenslanders, and stop destroying the planet by investing in publicly-owned renewable energy and centring justice for First Nations and marginalised communities in their climate action.
We need our leaders to create meaningful, clean, long-term jobs for all industry workers and leave fossil fuels in the ground - right where they belong. See you at 8am on Friday 4th December!