Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh: Land Rights, Climate Justice, and Palestine
We are witnessing unprecedented violence and destruction throughout Palestine - especially the Gaza Strip. Over 32,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces, and thousands more are missing under the rubble. The occupied West Bank has also been targeted with raids and the detention of thousands of Palestinian people.
Founder and Director of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability, Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh says, "There is both a genocide and an ecocide going on, supported by some Western governments against the will of the Western public." An enormous global movement is rising to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, to end decades of colonisation, and work toward a free Palestine that delivers sustainable peace for all in the region.
Join us to hear first-hand from one of Palestine’s foremost environmental experts Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, visiting Australia for the first time, in conversation with local Palestinian, First Nations and environmental justice advocates. Connect with others working to grow the global solidarity movement for peace, land rights and environmental justice.
Find your local event via the list below. This page will be updated regularly with new events, both online and in-person, as they are registered.
- 18 April Boorloo/Perth 6pm: Palestine, Land Rights, & Environmental Justice, State Library of Western Australia, RSVP
- 19 April Waylyup/Fremantle 6pm: Hope and Empowerment in the Holy Land, with Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Walyalup Civic Centre, Council Chambers, RSVP here.
- 21 April Tarntanya/Adelaide 6pm: Shared Roots: Climate Change, Colonialism, and the Fight for Land Back at The Joinery. RSVP Here
- 22 April Tarntanya/Adelaide 6pm: Public Forum: Our Earth - how do we work together to heal the devastation of war and create hope for our children? Venue TBC, RSVP here
- 23 April Bidjigal/Sydney 6:30pm: Forum at Yagoona Community Centre. RSVP here.
- 24 April Gadigal/Sydney 1pm: Forum: Climate and Land Justice Under Occupation, University of Technology, in conversation with Jacqui Katona, CB11.00.401 (Downstairs Building 11)
- 24 April Dharawal land/Wollongong 6:30: Event at Wollongong Art Gallery. RSVP
- 26 April Gadigal/Sydney 6:00: Public Forum at NSW Teachers Federation RSVP
- TBC Magan-Djin/Brisbane
- 8 May Naarm/Melbourne 6pm: Forum: Occupation and food security in Palestine RMIT
- 9 May Naarm/Melbourne 6pm: Event with Beit e'Shai & First Nations colleagues, Land, Biodiversity & the Colony: a conversation with Prof Mazin Qumsiyeh & more, at Aunty Alma's Gathering Place, 550 High Street Preston, RSVP.
- 10 May Naarm/Melbourne: Attending and contributing to the Palestine Solidarity Conference
- 12 May Naarm/Melbourne 5pm: Public event: the Environmental Nakba with Friends of the Earth in Preston
15 May Canberra 5:30pm: Land Rights, Environmental Justice, and Palestine: In Conversation with Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Kambri Cinema at ANU, RSVP here.
In an effort to better understand the links between climate justice and struggles against settler colonialism, our movement is working alongside dozens of organisations and individuals in climate, peace, and justice movements to organise this tour.