For AYCC to fulfil its mission of building a generation-wide movement of young people to solve the climate crisis, we must be willing to adapt and change how we organise. We need a way to organise that allows us to scale, foster leadership, build huge amounts of power, live our values and reach people we’ve never been able to reach before. 

Throughout the strategic planning process in 2020, we evaluated our previous movement building work, drew from the many years of experience of organising staff & volunteers, and researched various organising models. We came to the conclusion that if we wanted to remain relevant, grow our movement at scale, deepen commitment, provide meaningful & sustainable volunteering opportunities, and build enough power to have impact on our campaigns, we couldn’t just keep things as they were.

This call is open to all volunteer leaders to discuss:

  • AYCC's proposed volunteer journey for 2021 as outlined in the 'draft 0' Feb 2021 Distributed Organising Proposal.
  • This proposal will be emailed to you when you RSVP to this event. Please read it before coming to the call. 📚🐛
  • The proposal will be used as a jump off point for our discussions about AYCC's volunteer support strucutres

Our support structures need to be co-designed by our staff & volunteers so that they work for everyone. This will be an iterative process and will involve: trialling new support structures, having regular reflection/feedback spaces, and adapting our support structures based on our collective learnings. Our support structures will constantly be evolving, they are not set in stone. The first iteration of this work will run from January to March 2021. The second iteration of this work will run from April to June 2021.

When you RSVP you'll receive the written proposal to read ahead of the call & the zoom link 💚

This call starts at: 6.30pm NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS | 6pm SA | 5:30pm QLD | 5pm NT | 3.30pm WA

March 01, 2021 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Add to Calendar 03/01/2021 18:30:00 03/01/2021 20:00:00 Australia/Melbourne #2 Transitioning AYCC's Organising Model: Volunteer Journey Check for the latest info. Zoom Bella Gray [email protected]
Bella Gray ·

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#2 Transitioning AYCC's Organising Model: Volunteer Journey

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