In the year 2000, in a war barely noticed outside Yugoslavia, the indicted war criminal Slobodan Milosevic fought to hold power. He controlled a battle-hardened army, a tough police force, and most of the news media. But he underestimated his opponents, led by a student movement called Otpor! (‘resistance’), who attacked the regime with ridicule, rock music, and a willingness to be arrested. Their courage and audacity inspired others to overcome their fear and join the fight.


Bringing Down a Dictator tells the story of the students of Otpor!, their courage, their creativity, and their tactics. Join AYCC and Tomorrow Movement for a screening of the inspiring film, followed by a discussion on the tactics and organising skills used by the students. 


This event is open to anyone. 

June 23, 2024 at 4:00pm - 6pm
Kickstart Arts Old School Room
12 Saint Johns Ave
New Town, TAS 7008
Google map and directions
Add to Calendar 06/23/2024 16:00:00 06/23/2024 18:00:00 Australia/Melbourne Film Screening: Bringing Down a Dictator Check for the latest info. 12 Saint Johns Ave, New Town, TAS 7008, Australia Kai Harrison [email protected]
Kai Harrison ·
Chloe Holley Amy Wing Eduardo Eduardo Gorron Jack Cavanagh Konan Masuda Finlay Grant Marie Ramsay Kai Harrison

Who's RSVPing

Chloe Holley
Amy Wing
Eduardo Eduardo Gorron
Jack Cavanagh
Konan Masuda
Finlay Grant
Marie Ramsay
Kai Harrison

Film Screening: Bringing Down a Dictator

Will you come?