Want to get skilled up in climate conversations and start changing hearts, minds (& politics)? We're having conversations about climate change in Clifton Beach, a suburb impacted by coastal hazards and climate change. This is your opportunity to take action!
Make sure you RSVP and bring a friend!
October 12, 2021 at 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Cominos House
27 Greenslopes Street (Cominos House)
Edge Hill
Cairns, QLD 4870
Australia Google map and directions
Add to Calendar10/12/2021 17:30:0010/12/2021 19:30:00Australia/MelbourneClimate Conversation TrainingCheck https://www.aycc.org.au/cairns_climate_conversation_training for the latest info.27 Greenslopes Street (Cominos House), Edge Hill, Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia