Making Decisions for our 3-Year Plan

This event runs over 2 days: Thursday October 8th (5pm-8pm AEDST) AND Saturday October 10th (10am-4pm AEDST)

Right now, we're creating a bold and ambitious plan for AYCC to win big for climate justice and build our movement over the next 3 years. In this space, volunteer leaders and staff will be coming together to discuss and make decisions on our campaigning and movement-building goals.

We’ll do a bunch of set-up and Q&A on Thursday so we’re ready to dive into discussion on Saturday. The following week, we’ll have a quick call to recap where we landed and talk about next steps.

RSVP to receive more info including the agenda and some pre-reading to get you thinking.

October 08, 2020 at 5:30pm - 8pm
Zoom (link sent on RSVP)
Add to Calendar 10/08/2020 17:30:00 10/08/2020 20:00:00 Australia/Melbourne Strategic Planning Online Retreat Check for the latest info.
ruby power Reuben De La Croix Folole Tupuola Romy O’Donoghue Alex Pan Aaron Benham Ben Edwards Shannon Anderson violet cully Alice McAlpin Amir Mahdavian Varsha Yajman Vincent Zhang Hannah Ford Taya Stocks Finlay O'Connell Rat Brodie Amelia Evans Samantha James Laura Whenan Emily Whenan Chloe McCann Noa Abrahams Caitlin Ramsay Matilda Hiscock Theo Boltman Stella Wiedemeyer Ev Ramadan Martha S Anna Champion Angie Judd Aaron Ford Logan Costa Anica Renner Grace Vegesana Jazz Jones Ella Darling Alex Hill Clodagh Schofield Georgia Griffiths Claire Rogers Monique Jeffs Richard Cooling Rowan Heaton

Who's RSVPing

ruby power
Reuben De La Croix
Folole Tupuola
Romy O’Donoghue
Alex Pan
Aaron Benham
Ben Edwards
Shannon Anderson
violet cully

Strategic Planning Online Retreat

Will you come?