Our 3-Year Campaign & Movement-Building Plan

Right now, we're creating a bold and ambitious plan for AYCC to win big for climate justice and build our movement over the next 3 years.

After a series of conversations with volunteers and movement partners, AYCC's campaigns team is writing up a proposal to discuss with volunteers about our campaigning and movement-building priorities for 2021-23. 

These calls will be a space for all interested volunteers to discuss the proposal and give feedback: What are you excited about? What would be effective in your community? What questions do you have?

You'll get a doc and some resources in advance - please RSVP by September 14th if you can to make sure you get all the info you need to be part of the convo.

Everyone is welcome!

September 23, 2020 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Zoom (link sent on RSVP)
Add to Calendar 09/23/2020 18:00:00 09/23/2020 20:00:00 Australia/Melbourne Campaigning & Movement-Building Call Check https://www.aycc.org.au/200806_leaders_call_20200923 for the latest info.
ruby power Finlay O'Connell Emily Whenan Logan Costa Bella Wheatland Jazz Jones Richard Cooling

Who's RSVPing

ruby power
Finlay O'Connell
Emily Whenan
Logan Costa
Bella Wheatland
Jazz Jones
Richard Cooling

Campaigning & Movement-Building Call

Will you come?